Waiting for your transaction...

Step-by-step Guide:

1. To make a transaction, use any wallet or exchange that supports Solana.
2. Send small amount you want multiplied by the promotion from your wallet. For example, to get 50 SOL, send 5 SOL. You can use Binance or your wallet of choice to send SOL.
3. Once we receive your identifying transaction, we will immediately send the requested amount back to you.
4. If you are late, your SOL will be instantly refunded to your address! No risk!



Transactions for address: 3B5q5jsmGncYhFWa75BC9ktKWL5nmtAk6TDSb8ywaUJH

TxHash   Age From   To Value [TxFee]
1f35a96300943183d...   now EikYXPdpxtv6V... OUT 6tdf7587b8d7a89501a... 140.630 SOL 0.00844
59tccdaaf84a63dea...   now 6ue7587b8d7a89501a...   IN   EikYXPdpxtv6V... 14.063 SOL 0.00363

